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ISO 9001:2015​

ISO 9001 is a standard that certifies the Quality Management System (QMS) and defines the requirements (standardization tools) for the implementation of the system in an organization. The objective is to bring confidence to the customer that the products and services offered by the companies follow internationally recognized quality standards.

ISO 9001 was prepared by the Quality Management and Quality Assurance Technical Committee (ISO/TC 176). In Brazil, the document was translated and published by ABNT, the Brazilian version of the standard is ABNT NBR ISO 9001, 2015.

This document is a valuable resource for companies that want to prove their ability to provide products and services that meet their customers’ needs.


According to the FDA, its role is to protect public health through regulations in the pharmaceutical, food, veterinary and cosmetic industries. In other words, the FDA takes care of and controls the entire production chain of the products under its control. In Brazil, for example, this part is equivalent to Anvisa.

The FDA assessment is done in accordance with the general requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). It is a set of procedures based on national and international standards that ensure that products are produced and controlled with quality standards suitable for the intended use and required by registration.

To obtain it, manufacturers must conduct clinical trials in laboratories and factories and submit the data to the FDA. Upon inspection, the company will receive a letter from the FDA confirming product approval.

Our components (PET AND PIGMENT) for the production of our products are tested and comply with FDA standards.


BWB is committed to chemical analysis laboratories certified in accordance with the NBR ISO/IEC 17025 standard to carry out tests within strict quality criteria with national and international references such as: ABNT, ANVISA, ISO, DIN, ASTM, among others that guarantee the reliability of the analysis in the evaluation of the durability and safety of the products present in the day-by-day of the consumers.


The general principles of safety and inertness for all materials and objects that come into contact with food are set out in Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004.

According to this regulation, any material or object intended to come into direct or indirect contact with food must be sufficiently inert so that substances are not released into food in quantities that could pose a risk to human health or that could cause a change in food composition, taste and aroma in an unacceptable way.

It is also in this regulation that the need for the mention “For contact with food” or an indication regarding its use, such as a coffee machine, bottle of wine or soup spoon or by reproducing the symbol indicated in Figure 1 is mentioned, for all materials that have not yet come into contact with food.


The Regulation ensures constant compliance with requirements in the manufacture of materials that come into contact with food through:

– Fit-for-purpose facilities and staff awareness of the critical stages of production;

– Documented quality assurance and quality control systems present in the facilities;

– The selection of starting materials suitable for the manufacturing process with a view to the safety and inert nature of the final articles.

In Portugal, the execution of the obligations arising from this Regulation is ensured through Decree-Law no. 175/2007, of 8 May.